blob: 004f8296dfbdb8e846874a4d56f4d30bfb4c6f42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Roughtime Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License. */
// client is a somewhat featured Roughtime client.
package main
import (
mathrand "math/rand"
const (
// defaultMaxRadius is the maximum radius that we'll accept from a
// server.
defaultMaxRadius = 10 * time.Second
// defaultMaxDifference is the maximum difference in time between any
// sample from a server and the quorum-agreed time before we believe
// that the server might be misbehaving.
defaultMaxDifference = 60 * time.Second
// defaultTimeout is the default maximum time that a server has to
// answer a query.
defaultTimeout = 2 * time.Second
// defaultNumQueries is the default number of times we will try to
// query a server.
defaultNumQueries = 3
// Client represents a Roughtime client and exposes a number of members that
// can be set in order to configure it. The zero value of a Client is always
// ready to use and will set sensible defaults.
type Client struct {
// Permutation returns a random permutation of [0‥n) that is used to
// query servers in a random order. If nil, a sensible default is used.
Permutation func(n int) []int
// MaxRadiusUs is the maximum interval radius that will be accepted
// from a server. If zero, a sensible default is used.
MaxRadius time.Duration
// MaxDifference is the maximum difference in time between any sample
// from a server and the quorum-agreed time before that sample is
// considered suspect. If zero, a sensible default is used.
MaxDifference time.Duration
// QueryTimeout is the amount of time a server has to reply to a query.
// If zero, a sensible default will be used.
QueryTimeout time.Duration
// NumQueries is the maximum number of times a query will be sent to a
// specific server before giving up. If <= zero, a sensible default
// will be used.
NumQueries int
// now returns a monotonic duration from some unspecified epoch. If
// nil, the system monotonic time will be used.
nowFunc func() time.Duration
func (c *Client) now() time.Duration {
if c.nowFunc != nil {
return c.nowFunc()
return monotime.Now()
func (c *Client) permutation(n int) []int {
if c.Permutation != nil {
return c.Permutation(n)
var randBuf [8]byte
if _, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, randBuf[:]); err != nil {
seed := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(randBuf[:])
rand := mathrand.New(mathrand.NewSource(int64(seed)))
return rand.Perm(n)
func (c *Client) maxRadius() time.Duration {
if c.MaxRadius != 0 {
return c.MaxRadius
return defaultMaxRadius
func (c *Client) maxDifference() time.Duration {
if c.MaxDifference != 0 {
return c.MaxDifference
return defaultMaxDifference
func (c *Client) queryTimeout() time.Duration {
if c.QueryTimeout != 0 {
return c.QueryTimeout
return defaultTimeout
func (c *Client) numQueries() int {
if c.NumQueries > 0 {
return c.NumQueries
return defaultNumQueries
// LoadChain loads a JSON-format chain from the given JSON data.
func LoadChain(jsonData []byte) (chain *config.Chain, err error) {
chain = new(config.Chain)
if err := json.Unmarshal(jsonData, chain); err != nil {
return nil, err
for i, link := range chain.Links {
if link.PublicKeyType != "ed25519" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("client: link #%d in chain file has unknown public key type %q", i, link.PublicKeyType)
if l := len(link.PublicKey); l != ed25519.PublicKeySize {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("client: link #%d in chain file has bad public key of length %d", i, l)
if l := len(link.NonceOrBlind); l != protocol.NonceSize {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("client: link #%d in chain file has bad nonce/blind of length %d", i, l)
var nonce [protocol.NonceSize]byte
if i == 0 {
copy(nonce[:], link.NonceOrBlind[:])
} else {
nonce = protocol.CalculateChainNonce(chain.Links[i-1].Reply, link.NonceOrBlind[:])
if _, _, err := protocol.VerifyReply(link.Reply, link.PublicKey, nonce); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("client: failed to verify link #%d in chain file", i)
return chain, nil
// timeSample represents a time sample from the network.
type timeSample struct {
// server references the server that was queried.
server *config.Server
// base is a monotonic clock sample that is taken at a time before the
// network could have answered the query.
base *big.Int
// min is the minimum real-time (in Roughtime UTC microseconds) that
// could correspond to |base| (i.e. midpoint - radius).
min *big.Int
// max is the maximum real-time (in Roughtime UTC microseconds) that
// could correspond to |base| (i.e. midpoint + radius + query time).
max *big.Int
// midpoint returns the average of the min and max times.
func (s *timeSample) midpoint() *big.Int {
ret := new(big.Int).Add(s.min, s.max)
return ret.Rsh(ret, 1)
// alignTo updates s so that its base value matches that from reference.
func (s *timeSample) alignTo(reference *timeSample) {
delta := new(big.Int).Sub(s.base, reference.base)
delta.Div(delta, big.NewInt(int64(time.Microsecond)))
s.base.Sub(s.base, delta)
s.min.Sub(s.min, delta)
s.max.Sub(s.max, delta)
// contains returns true iff p belongs to s
func (s *timeSample) contains(p *big.Int) bool {
return s.max.Cmp(p) >= 0 && s.min.Cmp(p) <= 0
// overlaps returns true iff s and other have any timespan in common.
func (s *timeSample) overlaps(other *timeSample) bool {
return s.max.Cmp(other.min) >= 0 && other.max.Cmp(s.min) >= 0
// query sends a request to s, appends it to chain, and returns the resulting
// timeSample.
func (c *Client) query(server *config.Server, chain *config.Chain) (*timeSample, error) {
var prevReply []byte
if len(chain.Links) > 0 {
prevReply = chain.Links[len(chain.Links)-1].Reply
var baseTime, replyTime time.Duration
var reply []byte
var nonce, blind [protocol.NonceSize]byte
for attempts := 0; attempts < c.numQueries(); attempts++ {
var request []byte
var err error
if nonce, blind, request, err = protocol.CreateRequest(rand.Reader, prevReply); err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(request) < protocol.MinRequestSize {
panic("internal error: bad request length")
udpAddr, err := serverUDPAddr(server)
if err != nil {
conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp", nil, udpAddr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
baseTime =
var replyBytes [1024]byte
n, err := conn.Read(replyBytes[:])
if err == nil {
replyTime =
reply = replyBytes[:n]
if netErr, ok := err.(net.Error); ok {
if !netErr.Timeout() {
return nil, errors.New("client: error reading from UDP socket: " + err.Error())
if reply == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("client: no reply from server %q", server.Name)
if replyTime < baseTime {
panic("broken monotonic clock")
queryDuration := replyTime - baseTime
midpoint, radius, err := protocol.VerifyReply(reply, server.PublicKey, nonce)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if time.Duration(radius)*time.Microsecond > c.maxRadius() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("client: radius (%d) too large", radius)
nonceOrBlind := blind[:]
if len(prevReply) == 0 {
nonceOrBlind = nonce[:]
chain.Links = append(chain.Links, config.Link{
PublicKeyType: "ed25519",
PublicKey: server.PublicKey,
NonceOrBlind: nonceOrBlind,
Reply: reply,
queryDurationBig := new(big.Int).SetInt64(int64(queryDuration/time.Microsecond))
bigRadius := new(big.Int).SetUint64(uint64(radius))
min := new(big.Int).SetUint64(midpoint)
min.Sub(min, bigRadius)
min.Sub(min, queryDurationBig)
max := new(big.Int).SetUint64(midpoint)
max.Add(max, bigRadius)
return &timeSample{
server: server,
base: new(big.Int).SetInt64(int64(baseTime)),
min: min,
max: max,
}, nil
func serverUDPAddr(server *config.Server) (*net.UDPAddr, error) {
for _, addr := range server.Addresses {
if addr.Protocol != "udp" {
return net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", addr.Address)
return nil, nil
// LoadServers loads information about known servers from the given JSON data.
// It only extracts information about servers with Ed25519 public keys and UDP
// address. The number of servers skipped because of unsupported requirements
// is returned in numSkipped.
func LoadServers(jsonData []byte) (servers []config.Server, numSkipped int, err error) {
var serversJSON config.ServersJSON
if err := json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &serversJSON); err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
seenNames := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, candidate := range serversJSON.Servers {
if _, ok := seenNames[candidate.Name]; ok {
return nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("client: duplicate server name %q", candidate.Name)
seenNames[candidate.Name] = struct{}{}
if candidate.PublicKeyType != "ed25519" {
udpAddr, err := serverUDPAddr(&candidate)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("client: server %q lists invalid UDP address: %s", candidate.Name, err)
if udpAddr == nil {
servers = append(servers, candidate)
if len(servers) == 0 {
return nil, 0, errors.New("client: no usable servers found")
return servers, 0, nil
// trimChain drops elements from the beginning of chain, as needed, so that its
// length is <= n.
func trimChain(chain *config.Chain, n int) {
if n <= 0 {
chain.Links = nil
if len(chain.Links) <= n {
numToTrim := len(chain.Links) - n
for i := 0; i < numToTrim; i++ {
// The NonceOrBlind of the first element is special because
// it's an nonce. All the others are blinds and are combined
// with the previous reply to make the nonce. That's not
// possible for the first element because there is no previous
// reply. Therefore, when removing the first element the blind
// of the next element needs to be converted to an nonce.
nonce := protocol.CalculateChainNonce(chain.Links[0].Reply, chain.Links[1].NonceOrBlind[:])
chain.Links[1].NonceOrBlind = nonce[:]
chain.Links = chain.Links[1:]
// intersection returns the timespan common to all the elements in samples,
// which must be aligned to the same base. The caller must ensure that such a
// timespan exists.
func intersection(samples []*timeSample) *timeSample {
ret := &timeSample{
base: samples[0].base,
min: new(big.Int).Set(samples[0].min),
max: new(big.Int).Set(samples[0].max),
for _, sample := range samples[1:] {
if ret.min.Cmp(sample.min) < 0 {
if ret.max.Cmp(sample.max) > 0 {
return ret
// findNOverlapping finds an n-element subset of samples where all the
// members overlap. It returns the intersection if such a subset exists.
func findNOverlapping(samples []*timeSample, n int) (sampleIntersection *timeSample, ok bool) {
switch {
case n <= 0:
return nil, false
case n == 1:
return samples[0], true
overlapping := make([]*timeSample, 0, n)
for _, initial := range samples {
// An intersection of any subset of intervals will be an interval that contains
// the starting point of one of the intervals (possibly as its own starting point).
point := initial.min
for _, candidate := range samples {
if candidate.contains(point) {
overlapping = append(overlapping, candidate)
if len(overlapping) == n {
return intersection(overlapping), true
overlapping = overlapping[:0]
return nil, false
// TimeResult is the result of trying to establish the current time by querying
// a number of servers.
type TimeResult struct {
// MonoUTCDelta may be nil, in which case a time could not be
// established. Otherwise it contains the difference between the
// Roughtime epoch and the monotonic clock.
MonoUTCDelta *time.Duration
// ServerErrors maps from server name to query error.
ServerErrors map[string]error
// OutOfRangeAnswer is true if one or more of the queries contained a
// significantly incorrect time, as defined by MaxDifference. In this
// case, the reply will have been recorded in the chain.
OutOfRangeAnswer bool
// EstablishTime queries a number of servers until it has a quorum of
// overlapping results, or it runs out of servers. Results from the querying
// the servers are appended to chain.
func (c *Client) EstablishTime(chain *config.Chain, quorum int, servers []config.Server) (TimeResult, error) {
perm := c.permutation(len(servers))
var samples []*timeSample
var intersection *timeSample
var result TimeResult
for len(perm) > 0 {
server := &servers[perm[0]]
perm = perm[1:]
sample, err := c.query(server, chain)
if err != nil {
if result.ServerErrors == nil {
result.ServerErrors = make(map[string]error)
result.ServerErrors[server.Name] = err
if len(samples) > 0 {
samples = append(samples, sample)
var ok bool
if intersection, ok = findNOverlapping(samples, quorum); ok {
intersection = nil
if intersection == nil {
return result, nil
midpoint := intersection.midpoint()
maxDifference := new(big.Int).SetUint64(uint64(c.maxDifference() / time.Microsecond))
for _, sample := range samples {
delta := new(big.Int).Sub(midpoint, sample.midpoint())
if delta.Cmp(maxDifference) > 0 {
result.OutOfRangeAnswer = true
midpoint.Mul(midpoint, big.NewInt(1000))
delta := new(big.Int).Sub(midpoint, intersection.base)
if delta.BitLen() > 63 {
return result, errors.New("client: cannot represent difference between monotonic and UTC time")
monoUTCDelta := time.Duration(delta.Int64())
result.MonoUTCDelta = &monoUTCDelta
return result, nil